<233hp 280m 387mv -1000 505316xp>sc You are Maloth Lightbane, level 15, 26 years old (18 hours). You have 233/233 hit, 280/280 mana, 387/232 movement, 0 practices. You are carrying 35/47 items with weight 223/800 kg. You have 0 quest points and 0 trivia points. Str: 23(16) Int: 18(19) Wis: 19(19) Dex: 12(11) Con: 16(16). You have scored 1494684 exp, and you need 505316 for level 16. Your rank is: Child of the Night. You have 15210 gold coins. Autoexit: yes. Autoloot: no. Autosac: no. Wimpy set to 20 hit points. Page pausing set to 20 lines of text. You are sleeping. You are slightly armored. Hitroll: 17 Damroll: 20 Luck: -2 Save vs. Spell: -6. Casting Modifiers -- Time: 1; Cost: -2; Power: -2. Alignment: -1000. You are pure evil. Players killed: 0 Killed by Players: 1 Mobs killed: 0 Killed by Mobs: 0 You are affected by: Spell: 'bless'. Spell: 'bless'. Spell: 'armor'. <233hp 280m 387mv -1000 505316xp>st You wake and stand up. <233hp 280m 385mv -1000 505316xp>e Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are in a dark hallway. Above you is a portal, and to the east is more of the hallway. Also, to the west is a wall of utter blackness. Finally, to the north is a strange shimmering portal. <233hp 280m 383mv -1000 505316xp>where Players near you: Seelich By the Temple Altar Maloth Dark Hallway (pk) MacMillian By the Temple Altar (pk) Abe Dark Hallway <233hp 280m 383mv -1000 505316xp> Abe scans intently all around. <233hp 280m 383mv -1000 505316xp>e Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are under the temple in a dark, musty hallway. The hallway runs east, west and north from here, and up to the temple altar. <233hp 280m 381mv -1000 505316xp>who pkill [ Drow ] Nosredan woo [ HlfGiant ] MacMillian(2-0) [ HlfGiant ] Abe, Thug for the Bohkah Crime Family [ Human ] Shadimar the Half-Naked Warlord You see 4 players in the game. <233hp 280m 381mv -1000 505316xp>l Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are under the temple in a dark, musty hallway. The hallway runs east, west and north from here, and up to the temple altar. <233hp 280m 381mv -1000 505316xp>scan A closed door not far off to the north. You can't see anything to the east. You can't see anything to the west. MacMillian (PLAYER) who is close by upwards. Seelich (PLAYER) who is close by upwards. The healer who is close by upwards. <233hp 280m 381mv -1000 505316xp>where Players near you: Seelich By the Temple Altar FaLrEn The Temple Of Midgaard Maloth Dark Hallway (pk) MacMillian By the Temple Altar (pk) Abe The Temple Of Midgaard <233hp 280m 381mv -1000 505316xp>u By the Temple Altar [Exits: north south down] You are by the temple altar in the northern end of the Temple of Midgaard. A huge altar made from white polished marble is standing in front of you and behind it is a ten foot tall sitting statue of Odin, the King of the gods. You cannot help but notice a beautiful shiny golden plaque on the chest of the statue. A pit for donations is in front of the altar. (Pink Aura) Macmillian(2-0) is here. Seelich is Omnipotent is here. (White Aura) A healer is here. <233hp 280m 379mv -1000 505316xp>s The Temple Of Midgaard [Exits: north south up] You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard. The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings picturing gods, Giants and peasants. Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below. Equally large steps lead UP through a small door into the ENTRANCE to MUD SCHOOL. (type 'up' to go to MUD SCHOOL.) It is here that one can change his/her hometown with the Executioner. A small plaque is on this wall. Abe, Thug for the Bohkah Crime Family is here. (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Falren Bringer Of Flame! is here. (White Aura) The executioner is here polishing his blade. The executioner looks at you. The executioner eyes you suspiciously. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> FaLrEn leaves north. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian has arrived. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian leaves south. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian has arrived. The executioner looks at MacMillian. The executioner eyes Macmillian suspiciously. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>scan FaLrEn (PLAYER) who is close by to the north. Seelich (PLAYER) who is close by to the north. The healer who is close by to the north. Ersatz (PLAYER) who is close by to the south. The vagabond who is close by to the south. You can't see anything upwards. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>The executioner looks at Ersatz. The executioner beams a smile at Ersatz. The executioner says 'How are you doing?' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>where Ersatz looks at MacMillian. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>Players near you: Ersatz The Temple Of Midgaard Seelich By the Temple Altar FaLrEn By the Temple Altar Maloth The Temple Of Midgaard (pk) MacMillian The Temple Of Midgaard (pk) Abe The Temple Of Midgaard <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>l mac Ersatz chuckles politely. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>You see nothing special about him. MacMillian is slightly scratched. MacMillian is using: (Glowing) a war banner an opal ring an opal ring the animal collar the animal collar a sub issue vest a pair of bifocals the strongman's bracers a sub issue shield a bright silver bracer a bright silver bracer (Glowing) the golden dagger a shiny bit of blue glass <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Ersatz says 'shrooms' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Ersatz laughs. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian looks at you. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Ersatz looks at you. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> You hear the patter of little feet. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> The executioner patiently twiddles his thumbs. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>say yeah, he ate 17 least time I slapphed him a round Hellbringer chats 'you comin back?' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian looks at you. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>You say 'yeah, he ate 17 least time I slapphed him around' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Ersatz tells you 'if ya hook a new char of mine up with some eq i'll beat down macmillian :P' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Ersatz laughs. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian says 'no i didn't' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> A watch guard shouts 'Gank is a KILLER! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> Abe drinks water from a buffalo water skin. <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp> MacMillian says 'i didn't have 17 to eat' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>say come get some more then You say 'come get some more then' <233hp 280m 377mv -1000 505316xp>s The Temple Square [Exits: north east south up] You are standing on the temple square. Huge marble steps lead up to the temple gate. The old Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market square, the center of Midgaard. A small white fountain gushes forth here. A vagabond is here, looking for victims. <233hp 280m 374mv -1000 505316xp>s Market Square [Exits: north east south west] You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square. Roads lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the intersection, east and westbound is the main street. The mayor is here. He shakes your hand. The mayor says 'Move along Maloth.' A watch guard shouts 'Gank is a KILLER! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!' The mayor leaves west. <233hp 280m 370mv -1000 505316xp>s The Intersection of Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] This is a bustling intersection of people, some looking for knowledge others searching for guidance. On Guild Row you will find your master, who will offer safe haven to those loyal to their discipline. To the north you hear the sounds of voices from the market square, to the south more of the same in the common square. To the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the sweat of hard work. <233hp 280m 366mv -1000 505316xp>e Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] You feel drawn by the presence of magic, pulling you farther along the road. You can also sense an almost holy aura coming from the north entrance to the Paladin's Guild. <233hp 280m 362mv -1000 505316xp>e Guild Row [Exits: north south west] You have come to the end of Guild Row. You feel magical forces pulling at you from the north and the south. To the north is the entrance to the Cleric's guild and to the south is the entrance to the Mage's guild. A vagabond is here, looking for victims. Beastly Fido is here. <233hp 280m 358mv -1000 505316xp> The vagabond leaves north. <233hp 280m 358mv -1000 505316xp>w Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] You feel drawn by the presence of magic, pulling you farther along the road. You can also sense an almost holy aura coming from the north entrance to the Paladin's Guild. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian Nosredan chats 'heh' <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 354mv -1000 505316xp>w k macmillian The Intersection of Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] This is a bustling intersection of people, some looking for knowledge others searching for guidance. On Guild Row you will find your master, who will offer safe haven to those loyal to their discipline. To the north you hear the sounds of voices from the market square, to the south more of the same in the common square. To the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the sweat of hard work. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>They aren't here. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>where k macmillian Players near you: Machiavelli By the Temple Altar Seelich By the Temple Altar FaLrEn By the Temple Altar Maloth The Intersection of Guild Row (pk) MacMillian Market Square <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>They aren't here. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. MacMillian has arrived. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian MacMillian leaves east. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>They aren't here. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian They aren't here. MacMillian has arrived. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>k macmillian *** You are now a KILLER!! *** MacMillian dodges your attack. Your slice decimates MacMillian! MacMillian has a few bruises. <233hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp> Your slice mauls MacMillian! MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian has several wounds. <202hp 280m 350mv -1000 505316xp>c 'burning hands' c 'burning hands' Your burning hands wounds MacMillian! Your slice decimates MacMillian! MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian is covered in blood. <191hp 265m 350mv -1000 505316xp>c 'burning hands' Your burning hands grazes MacMillian. MacMillian eats a Green Mushroom. Your slice decimates MacMillian! Your slice devastates MacMillian! You dodge MacMillian's attack. MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian is DYING. <161hp 250m 350mv -1000 505316xp>c 'burning hands' Your burning hands wounds MacMillian! MacMillian is DEAD!! Info> MacMillian killed by Maloth! <161hp 235m 350mv -1000 505316xp> Nosredan has arrived. <161hp 235m 350mv -1000 505316xp>l s Abe chats 'hah' <161hp 235m 350mv -1000 505316xp>Cast the spell on whom? <161hp 235m 350mv -1000 505316xp>The Intersection of Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] This is a bustling intersection of people, some looking for knowledge others searching for guidance. On Guild Row you will find your master, who will offer safe haven to those loyal to their discipline. To the north you hear the sounds of voices from the market square, to the south more of the same in the common square. To the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the sweat of hard work. The corpse of MacMillian is lying here. Nosredan woo is here. <161hp 235m 350mv -1000 505316xp>The Common Square [Exits: north east south west] The common square, people pass you, talking to each other. To the west is the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley. To the north, this square is connected to the market square. From the south you notice a nasty smell. Beastly Fido is here. MacMillian chats 'DOH' <161hp 235m 346mv -1000 505316xp> Nosredan has arrived. <161hp 235m 346mv -1000 505316xp>s Zedek tells the clan 'rofl' <161hp 235m 346mv -1000 505316xp>s The Dump [Exits: north south down] The dump, where the people from the city drop their garbage. Through the garbage you can see a large junction of pipes, looks like the entrance to the sewer system. South of here you see a bridge over the river and to the north is the common square. Chamber chats 'hahah' <161hp 235m 342mv -1000 505316xp>The Bridge [Exits: north south] You are standing on a bridge over the Ashunga River. The bridge is a strong stone structure, and you feel very safe on it. To the north is the city dump, and to the south is a dirt path. <161hp 235m 338mv -1000 505316xp>quit Had I but time--as this fell sergeant, Death, Is strict in his arrest--O, I could tell you-- But let it be. Telnet> Connection ended because of Connection closed. Press to return to the previous menu. Telnet> Session closed.