<193hp 260m 212mv -1000 505416xp>eq You are using: a pink ice ring a pink ice ring the animal collar a spiked collar a seaweed tunic a pair of bifocals a pair of seaweed breeches comfortable leather gloves the lizardskin the Thain's girth (Glowing) the golden dagger the green balloon <193hp 260m 212mv -1000 505416xp>wear bearskin You stop using the lizardskin. You wear a shiny bearskin about your body. The healer utters the word 'yeruf'. <210hp 260m 232mv -1000 505416xp>wear blue You stop using the green balloon. You hold a shiny bit of blue glass in your hands. <210hp 260m 232mv -1000 505416xp>sc You are Maloth Lightbane, level 15, 27 years old (20 hours). You have 210/210 hit, 260/260 mana, 232/212 movement, 0 practices. You are carrying 39/47 items with weight 222/800 kg. You have 0 quest points and 0 trivia points. Str: 23(16) Int: 20(19) Wis: 22(19) Dex: 12(11) Con: 16(16). You have scored 1494584 exp, and you need 505416 for level 16. Your rank is: Loyal to the Blood. You have 24030 gold coins. Autoexit: yes. Autoloot: no. Autosac: no. Wimpy set to 20 hit points. Page pausing set to 20 lines of text. You are standing. You are somewhat armored. Hitroll: 12 Damroll: 16 Luck: -1 Save vs. Spell: -5. Casting Modifiers -- Time: 5; Cost: 4; Power: 0. Alignment: -1000. You are pure evil. Players killed: 1 Killed by Players: 2 Mobs killed: 0 Killed by Mobs: 1 You are affected by: Spell: 'bless'. Spell: 'bless'. Spell: 'armor'. The healer utters the words 'rozar'. <210hp 260m 232mv -1000 505416xp>d Lex has arrived. <210hp 260m 232mv -1000 505416xp>Reception Hall [Exits: east south up] After passing through the immense doors, you have entered a sort of reception hall. Unbelievably large when compared to the diameter of the tower, this room is extremely plush. Thick velvet carpets line the floors. Upon the walls hang fine tapestries of many different origins. At the far end of the hall is a massive throne on which the master of this tower might greet his visitors. On either side of the throne several other plush chairs are set. Midway down the hall is a set of cast iron stairs carpeted with the same plush velvet as the rest of the hall. The scent of exotic incense fills the air. <210hp 260m 230mv -1000 505416xp>e Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are in a dark hallway. Above you is a portal, and to the east is more of the hallway. Also, to the west is a wall of utter blackness. Finally, to the north is a strange shimmering portal. Macmillian(2-1) is here. <210hp 260m 228mv -1000 505416xp>scan You can't see anything to the north. You can't see anything to the east. You can't see anything to the west. A Shaolin acolyte who is not far off upwards. A Shaolin acolyte who is not far off upwards. <210hp 260m 228mv -1000 505416xp>e Dark Hallway [Exits: north east west up] You are under the temple in a dark, musty hallway. The hallway runs east, west and north from here, and up to the temple altar. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 226mv -1000 505416xp>u By the Temple Altar [Exits: north south down] You are by the temple altar in the northern end of the Temple of Midgaard. A huge altar made from white polished marble is standing in front of you and behind it is a ten foot tall sitting statue of Odin, the King of the gods. You cannot help but notice a beautiful shiny golden plaque on the chest of the statue. A pit for donations is in front of the altar. Merka T katriel sex?Whats sex?Show me? is here. Silvara bleh is here. (White Aura) A healer is here. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 224mv -1000 505416xp> The healer utters the word 'nhak'. <210hp 260m 224mv -1000 505416xp>s s The Temple Of Midgaard [Exits: north south up] You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard. The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings picturing gods, Giants and peasants. Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below. Equally large steps lead UP through a small door into the ENTRANCE to MUD SCHOOL. (type 'up' to go to MUD SCHOOL.) It is here that one can change his/her hometown with the Executioner. A small plaque is on this wall. Belzedar the Master of Taste is sleeping here. (White Aura) The executioner is here polishing his blade. MacMillian has arrived. The executioner looks at MacMillian. The executioner eyes Macmillian suspiciously. <210hp 260m 222ms s s s s v -1000 505416xp> Info> Dais has raised a level!! <210hp 260m 222mv -1000 505416xp>The Temple Square [Exits: north east south up] You are standing on the temple square. Huge marble steps lead up to the temple gate. The old Grunting Boar Inn, is to the east. Just south of here you see the market square, the center of Midgaard. A small white fountain gushes forth here. A cityguard stands here. A cityguard stands here. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 219mv -1000 505416xp>Market Square [Exits: north east south west] You are standing on the market square, the famous Square of Midgaard. A large, peculiar looking statue is standing in the middle of the square. Roads lead in every direction, north to the temple square, south to the intersection, east and westbound is the main street. A cityguard stands here. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 215mv -1000 505416xp>The Intersection of Guild Row [Exits: north east south west] This is a bustling intersection of people, some looking for knowledge others searching for guidance. On Guild Row you will find your master, who will offer safe haven to those loyal to their discipline. To the north you hear the sounds of voices from the market square, to the south more of the same in the common square. To the east you feel a strong magical presence, and to the west you can smell the sweat of hard work. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 211mv -1000 505416xp> Nosredan chats 'gratz' The Common Square [Exits: north east south west] The common square, people pass you, talking to each other. To the west is the poor alley and to the east is the dark alley. To the north, this square is connected to the market square. From the south you notice a nasty smell. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 207mv -1000 505416xp>The Dump [Exits: north south down] The dump, where the people from the city drop their garbage. Through the garbage you can see a large junction of pipes, looks like the entrance to the sewer system. South of here you see a bridge over the river and to the north is the common square. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 203mv -1000 505416xp>The Bridge [Exits: north south] You are standing on a bridge over the Ashunga River. The bridge is a strong stone structure, and you feel very safe on it. To the north is the city dump, and to the south is a dirt path. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 199mv -1000 505416xp>n d The Dump [Exits: north south down] The dump, where the people from the city drop their garbage. Through the garbage you can see a large junction of pipes, looks like the entrance to the sewer system. South of here you see a bridge over the river and to the north is the common square. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 195mv -1000 505416xp>c 'faerie fire' macmillian The Quadruple Junction Under the Dump [Exits: north east south west up] You are standing in something that reminds you of an entry to an ant hive. There are enormous concrete pipes leading north, south, east and west. There's also a metal ladder built into the concrete wall leading up through a layer of garbage. MacMillian has arrived. <210hp 260m 191mv -1000 505416xp>MacMillian is surrounded by a pink outline. <210hp 256m 191mv -1000 505416xp>c 'faerie fire' macmillian Pyros chats 'gratz' <210hp 256m 191mv -1000 505416xp>k macmillian <210hp 252m 191mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' MacMillian dodges your attack. Your pierce mauls MacMillian! MacMillian has a few bruises. <210hp 252m 191mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' c 'burning hands' Your pierce mauls MacMillian! MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian has several wounds. <150hp 252m 191mv -1000 505416xp>Your burning hands grazes MacMillian. MacMillian has several wounds. <150hp 238m 191mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' Dais chats 'thanks' MacMillian dodges your attack. MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian has several wounds. <119hp 238m 191mv -1000 505416xp> The searing sun rises in the east, slowly crisping your flesh. MacMillian has several wounds. <119hp 238m 192mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' Your burning hands wounds MacMillian! MacMillian is bleeding freely. <119hp 224m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Your pierce injures MacMillian. MacMillian's pierce misses you. MacMillian's pierce mauls you! MacMillian is covered in blood. <88hp 224m 192mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' Arkel chats 'gratz' MacMillian is covered in blood. <88hp 224m 192mv -1000 505416xp>Your burning hands devastates MacMillian! MacMillian is almost dead. <88hp 210m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Your pierce hits MacMillian. Your pierce grazes MacMillian. MacMillian's pierce wounds you! MacMillian is DYING. <60hp 210m 192mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' Your burning hands scratches MacMillian. MacMillian is DYING. <60hp 196m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Your pierce hits MacMillian. MacMillian is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided. MacMillian is DYING. <60hp 196m 192mv -1000 505416xp>c 'burning hands' Dais chats 'thanks' MacMillian is DYING. <60hp 196m 192mv -1000 505416xp>Your burning hands injures MacMillian. MacMillian is DEAD!! Info> MacMillian killed by Maloth! <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>g ice corpse Cast the spell on whom? <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>Cast the spell on whom? <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>Cast the spell on whom? <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>I see nothing like that in the corpse. <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Zedek tells the clan 'woo!' <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Saint chats 'ahaha' <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>look in corpse Chamber chats 'haha' <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>Corpse of MacMillian contains: (Glowing) a war banner a sub issue vest a sub issue shield a bag a canoe ( 2) the animal collar a pair of bifocals the strongman's bracers ( 2) a bright silver bracer (Glowing) the golden dagger ( 2) an opal ring a shiny bit of blue glass ( 5) a big pot pie ( 5) a buffalo water skin ( 2) a Green Mushroom the lizardskin swordsman's gloves some gold coins <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>g dagger corpse Nosredan chats 'hehe' <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp> Booger chats 'ouch' <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>You get the golden dagger from corpse of MacMill ian. <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>g glass corpse You get a shiny bit of blue glass from corpse of MacMillian. <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>where Players near you: Maloth The Quadruple Junction Under the Dump <60hp 182m 192mv -1000 505416xp>/ The gods are generous to you, but your body seems weak. The Temple Of Midgaard [Exits: north south up] You are in the southern end of the temple hall in the Temple of Midgaard. The temple has been constructed from giant marble blocks, eternal in appearance, and most of the walls are covered by ancient wall paintings picturing gods, Giants and peasants. Large steps lead down through the grand temple gate, descending the huge mound upon which the temple is built and ends on the temple square below. Equally large steps lead UP through a small door into the ENTRANCE to MUD SCHOOL. (type 'up' to go to MUD SCHOOL.) It is here that one can change his/her hometown with the Executioner. A small plaque is on this wall. Belzedar the Master of Taste is sleeping here. (White Aura) The executioner is here polishing his blade. <10hp 0m 0mv -1000 505416xp> The executioner says 'You'd get bored too standing here all day.' <10hp 0m 0mv -1000 505416xp> Saint chats '[ HlfGiant ] MacMillian(2' <10hp 0m 0mv -1000 505416xp>cc That's what you get for bing stupid and following me. Saint chats '2-100 :P' <10hp 0m 1mv -1000 505416xp> The executioner says 'Don't you feel safe with me around?' <10hp 0m 1mv -1000 505416xp>You cchat 'That's what you get for bing stupid and f ollowing me.'