<787(787)hp 347(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>Players near you: (pk) Saruman The High Temple of Solace Merrick East Gullen Way Belfalas By the Temple Altar Surges End of Main Road Monkea East Gullen Way Arthur Main Road Corneilous The High Temple of Solace Sularis By the Temple Altar Marak The High Temple of Solace (pk) Karadjgne East Gullen Way <787(787)hp 347(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp> Karadjgne's eyes glow red for an instant! Karadjgne utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Karadjgne's acid blast decimates you! <59> Karadjgne is in excellent condition. <728(787)hp 347(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your attack goes through empty air and two images disappear! Two images of Karadjgne vanish! Karadjgne is in excellent condition. <728(787)hp 339(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne Two images of yours vanish! Two images of yours vanish! Karadjgne is in excellent condition. <728(787)hp 339(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your blast of frost DISEMBOWELS Karadjgne! <98> Karadjgne has a few bruises. <728(787)hp 331(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp> You blink out of existence. Monkea deals a heavy right hook to you. Monkea's hit maims you! <86> Two images of yours vanish! You have no more mirror images! Your attack goes through empty air and two images disappear! Two images of Karadjgne vanish! Karadjgne's fire shield injures you. <23> Karadjgne loses a bit of flesh to your deadly sword Excalibur! Your slash wounds Karadjgne. <43> Karadjgne's pound dessicates you. <29> Karadjgne has some cuts. <590(787)hp 329(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne Karadjgne's eyes glow red for an instant! Karadjgne utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Karadjgne's acid blast disfigures you! <76> Karadjgne has some cuts. <514(787)hp 329(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your attack goes through empty air and two images disappear! Two images of Karadjgne vanish! Karadjgne has some cuts. <514(787)hp 321(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your blast of frost WASTES Karadjgne! <102> Karadjgne has many nasty wounds. <514(787)hp 313(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne c 'frost' karadjgne c 'frost' karadjgne Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your blast of frost MAULS Karadjgne! <136> Karadjgne is covered in blood. <514(787)hp 305(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp> Karadjgne's eyes glow red for an instant! Karadjgne utters the words, 'aque bragh'. Karadjgne's acid blast decimates you! <62> Karadjgne is covered in blood. <452(787)hp 305(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your blast of frost maims Karadjgne! <85> Karadjgne is almost dead. <452(787)hp 297(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp> You block Monkea's attack with your shield. You block Monkea's attack with your shield. Monkea's hit devastates you! <68> Your slash wounds Karadjgne. <43> Karadjgne's fire shield injures you. <23> Karadjgne blinks out of existence. Karadjgne's pound injures you. <25> Karadjgne is almost dead. <332(787)hp 297(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>Your eyes glow red for an instant! Your blast of frost DISEMBOWELS Karadjgne! <94> Karadjgne is DEAD!! where save get stockings corpse get shell corpse hunt guard Info> Karadjgne killed by Merrick! Monkea bashes you and knocks you off your feet! <332(787)hp 289(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost' karadjgne where Arthur tells the clan 'he probrably won't' <332(787)hp 289(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp> Karadjgne's corpse suddenly disappears! Monkea's badly aimed attack misses you. Monkea's hit misses you. <0> Your slash maims Monkea! <83> Your slash disfigures Monkea! <74> Monkea is covered in blood. <332(787)hp 289(790)ma 423mv (4817792) 12hr 949445gp>c 'frost c 'frost Monkea leaves east. Monkea has fled!