bs rizzo bs rizzo Players near you: Meric Market Square Sarhan The Dirt Path Shimtisgrul By the Temple Altar Spishaad Eastern end of Alley Murkon The Dirt Path (pk) Rizzo The Dirt Path Rafe The Temple Of Midgaard Wiegraf By the Temple Altar Treason The Dirt Path Laguna The Dirt Path Aeli Guildmaster's Quarters Andrew The Temple Of Midgaard Daiko The Dirt Path <1860(1860)hp 634(597)ma 1025mv ( ) 13hr 2354229gp>Your backstab {{{{ DECAPITATES }}}} Rizzo! <1463> Rizzo is almost dead. <1860(1860)hp 634(597)ma 1025mv ( ) 13hr 2354229gp>bs rizzo Rizzo's eyes glow red for an instant! Rizzo utters the words, 'bcandusahp'. Two images of Daiko vanish! Rizzo is almost dead. <1860(1860)hp 634(597)ma 1025mv ( ) 13hr 2354229gp> Rizzo's pierce ::: MAIMS ::: you! <269> You parry Rizzo's attack! Rizzo counters your attack. You parry Rizzo's attack! Rizzo's fire shield decimates you! <63> Your stab (( BRUTALIZES )) Rizzo! <317> Rizzo is DEAD!! Info> Rizzo killed by Sarhan!